TTradeMark East Africa (TMEA) in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation, the University of Portsmouth (UoP) and the Centre for International Trade and Investment Law – India invite researchers and policy practitioners to participate in a research and policy symposium through submission of innovative and high-quality applied research

About the Symposium.

TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation, the University of Portsmouth (UoP) and the Centre for International Trade and Investment Law – India invite researchers and policy practitioners to participate in a research and policy symposium through submission of innovative and high-quality applied research and policy papers that explore the effective participation and empowerment of women in trade for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development.

The submitted papers can be applied or conceptual. While conceptual papers are encouraged to be of direct policy relevance; applied papers must contain empirically tested approaches. Both papers should include, examples and experiences, particularly in Africa (papers with practical examples from other parts of the World are also welcome), of the different trade facilitation measures and their associated benefits, opportunities and challenges for effective participation and empowerment of women in trade.

Symposium Format

One - Day Intensive Forum.

The organizing committee will accept papers from the following thematic topics that relate to participation and empowerment of women in trade;

  • Legal and institutional barriers.
  • Inclusion and exclusion in global markets.
  • Trade policy advocacy.
  • ICT for trade.
  • Data and measurement of participation and empowerment of women in trade.
  • Socio-cultural enablers and limiters, climate change.

Event Logistics

All Event Info You May Need

WIT Symposium


Transport Info.






Event Schedule

18 - 19 September 2019, Nairobi Kenya

Day 1 - 18 September, 2019


Arrival and Registration, TMEA


Welcome Remarks by TMEA CEO, Frank Matsaert

8:35- 8:45

Showcasing TMEA’s Women in Trade Programming, Waturi Matu

8:45 -9:20

Opening Session, hosted by Frank Matsaert

Fireside Chat – “Emerging Global Issues on Inclusive Trade”

TMEA Board Chair- Erastus Mwencha,
Canadian High Commissioner Lisa Stadelbauer
ITC Deputy Executive Director Dorothy Tembo
The Ambassador of the Netherlands Embassy Kenya

9:20 – 9:30

Q&A/ Response from plenary, Frank Matsaert

9:30 – 9:40

Keynote address by the Chief Guest , CS Peter Munya

9:40 – 9:50

Group Photograph

9:50 - 10:30

Tea Break


Plenary Session I, Moderated by Allen Asiimwe

Topic: Regional and Continental Economic Integration – Catalysing gender equality and sustainable trade

Research Papers

  • -Regional Integration and Export Supply Constraints: Evidence from ECOWAS
  • -Impact of Trade Liberialization in West African Economic and Monetary Union: A gender analysis
  • -Can Regional Economic Cooperation become a springboard for women empowerment? A comparative analysis between East Africa and South Asia

  1. UNECA Representative
  2. EAC Secretariat Representative
  3. Min. Trade and Industry Rwanda
  4.  EABC Chair Nick Nesbitt
  5. Rosette Rugamba TMEA Board Member

(Q&A Session)


Plenary Session II, Moderator Ahmed Farah

Topic: Access to Global Markets – Obstacles & Opportunities

Research Papers

  • -Exploring the Implications of Preferential Schemes on Women (The case of EU EBA scheme with Bangladesh and the US AGOA scheme with Kenya)
  • -Inclusion and Exclusion in Global Markets of the Oil and Gas sector
  • -Exploring the Implications of preferential schemes on women WTO

  1. Hadija Jabir Exporter Tanzania
  2. Nat. Export Board Rwanda
  3. Chair Export Promotion Council Kenya
  4. Dorothy Tembo ITC
  5. Emmanuel Mutahunga Commissioner for External Trade, Ministry of Trade and Industry Uganda

(Q&A Session)


Lunch Break


Breakout sessions

Session I, Moderator Patience Mutesi

Topic: Doing Business for Women SMEs

Research Papers

  • -Joint Venture as a framework for Empowering Women in Harnessing Global Trade Opportunities: Tanzania
  • -An Assessment of Effects of Compliance costs on LDCs Exports of Agricultural Products: A case of women-owned SMEs involved in groundnuts production in Malawi

Session II, Moderator Gloria Atuheirwe

Topic: Exploring the gains from trade: Informal versus formal

Research Papers

  • -Impact of the Simplified Trading Regime on Cross Border Trade in Conflicted affected areas- A Ugandan case study
  • -Facilitate Expansion of African International Trade to Empower Women and for Sustained Development

Session III, Moderator Wanjiku Kimamo

Topic: Unpacking the gender and climate change nexus in trade


  1. Anoush der Boghossian, Trade and Gender Focal Point, World Trade Organization
  2. Representative from Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund
  3. Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) TBC
  4. Jeannette Gurung, Founder and Director, Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural
  5. Resource Management (WOCAN) and W+ standard

15:45 – 16:00

Wrap-up and summary of key issues from day I, Moses Sabiiti Uganda Country Director TMEA


Tea Break and Departure


High Level Dinner Hosted by Kenya Country Programme in partnership with UNECA- Invite Only (separate agenda )

Day 2 - 19 September, 2019


Arrival and Registration


Highlights from day I Moses Sabiiti Country Director TMEA Uganda


Plenary Session III, Moderator John Ulanga

Topic: Addressing the legal, policy and social cultural barriers to women in trade

Research Papers

  • -Impact of import competition from China on gendered labour outcomes in Ethiopia: University of Guelph Canada
  • -Legal Framework for Inclusion of Women in Trade: Case of the United Kingdom vis a vis Kenya
  • -The Impact of the Harmonized System in Trade Policy making. A case of Women Traders in Kikuubo Trading Center, Kampala, Uganda.

  1. Kenya Country Head Tony Blair Institute for Global Change Lisa Karanja TBC
  2. Global Affairs Canada Hellen Oriaro
  3. Jane Nalunga SEATINI Uganda
  4. Univ. of Portsmouth Leila Choukroune
  5. Ange Muyubira SME Burundi

Plenary Session with audience (Q&A Session)


Tea Break


Plenary Session IV, Moderator Alban Odhiambo

Topic: ICT – An enabler for Inclusive Trade?

Research Papers

  • -Digital Formalisation of Food Vending Business in Tanzania- A Conceptual Framework
  • -Challenges of Women in ICT for Trade: The Case of Female Startups in Cameroon

  1. Safaricom
  2. Twiga Foods
  3. Facebook/Google
  4. Wanja Kiragu East African Online Transport Agency
  5. Embassy of Finland

Plenary Session with audience (Q&A Session)


Lunch Break


Plenary Session V, Moderator Anthony Mveyange

Topic: Data and approaches to measure women’s economic empowerment

Research Papers

  • -Measuring and Certifying Women’s Empowerment through the W+ Standard™ WOCAN – USA"I
  • -Innovating Past Data Collection Obstacles for East Africa’s Women Cross-Border Traders: Evidence from Sauti EastAfrica

  1. Dr. Blandina Kirama REPOA Tanzania
  2. Director General Kenya Bureau of Statistics
  3. Representative Organization of Women in Trade
  4. P.Oriaro Weya Innovations for Poverty Action

Plenary Session with audience (Q&A Session)


Presentation of symposium highlights and way forward, Jennifer Wilson Chief Results Officer


Vote of Thanks/ Closing Remarks, TMEA Board/Council Member


Tea Break and Departure