
How can I participate?

-How can I participate?

You can get involved in the symposium by either submitting a paper (see call for papers), registering to attend, or following the conversations about the symposium on social media through its official hash tag #SIAT2019

-How can I register?

ALL participants are required to register on the link provided on this site https://siat.trademarkafrica.com/. The registration link will be available from 1 May 2019. The secretariat will review the application and thereafter send you an email to confirm if your request for attendance has been accepted.

-How do I submit my paper?

Submit your paper through this link https://siat.trademarkafrica.com/siat-paper-submission/. Follow the prompts and fill in the required information until you are notified that your submission was successful. An email confirmation will also be sent to you to confirm receipt of the paper and guide you on the next steps. Authors of successful papers will also be required to register their participation on the ‘How can I register’ link.

-When will I find out if my submission was successful?

Authors of successful papers will receive an email from siat@trademarkea.com inviting you to register for the symposium. If you do not receive this email, then it means, your submission was unsuccessful this time.

-When will I find out if my submission was successful?

Authors of successful papers will receive an email from siat@trademarkea.com inviting you to register for the symposium. If you do not receive this email, then it means, your submission was unsuccessful this time.

- What is a suitable paper format? Paper length/abstract limit/maximum pdf size

The Submission portal guides you on the length of abstract and format for uploaded papers. The abstract word limit is 500. The complete paper can be any length providing the total size of the PDF file is 5MB or less.

-In what language must papers be written?

We will only review papers written in English. We are unable to review papers written in any other language. If your paper is accepted, the presentation must be given in English. However, if you require any translation services during the symposium, kindly indicate this as you register for attendance.

-Can I submit my paper for publication in a journal?

You are free to submit your paper to any publisher for future publication in a journal.

-You are free to submit your paper to any publisher for future publication in a journal.

If you would like to cancel your attendance to this symposium kindly write to the secretariat on this email address siat@traemarkea.com. If you have used Muthaiga Travel (our travel agent), to make your travel plans, kindly get in touch with them to also cancel the bookings.

-Any other questions

If you cannot find any help on the submission page and these FAQs, kindly write to the organizing committee on siat@trademarkea.com describing the challenge being faced and we will get back to you.