This year’s Symposium shall focus on Inclusive Participation of Women in Trade for Sustainable Development. It will bring together policy makers & practitioners, researchers and development partners to deliberate innovative, theoretical and practical approaches that can be used to inform design of inclusive and sustainable trade programmes.
Deliberations will largely be informed by a selection of research papers and policy papers based on the following sub-themes:
1. Access to global markets
2. Regional and continental economic integration
3. Legal, policy, institutional and socio-cultural barriers
4. ICT for trade, poverty and climate change
5. Data and approaches to measure economic empowerment

Symposium Format

  • Plenary session:

Provides a platform for high level discussions focusing on emerging issues, building new ideas and sharing lived experiences based on symposium themes. The sessions will be moderated to provide a broad range of subject matter experts and discussants an opportunity to interrogate findings and share practical experiences on thematic areas.


  • Break-out sessions

Break-out sessions are interactive platforms, where presenters will engage with a small group of participants in discussing evidence from the grassroots based on the sub themes. Participants have a choice of which sessions to participate.

  • Master classes

Practical and hands-on knowledge transfer sessions hosted by subject matter experts to a select audience of practitioners and policy makers. The objective of this session is to expose participants to both theoretical and practical skills useful in designing and implementing effective, inclusive and sustainable Women in Trade programmes. Participation in the master class is by invitation only.


  • Poster sessions

A chance for graduate students, practitioners or researchers to showcase a paper and or share research ideas, methodologies, practical relevance to foster collaboration and start conversations.

Event Logistics

All Event Info You May Need

Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi


Travel information


Where you can stay


Our Key Speakers

Event Schedule

Nairobi, Kenya